The first sushi bar in Sofia that introduced the eastern gourmet culture to the citizens.


At The Sushi Bar we offer a real abundance of varied sushi - classic and authentic, which we prepare instantly, in front of your eyes, but also exotic salads, the famous Tempera, delicious Terraki and various Japanese specialties. We appreciate every little detail in the preparation of our beloved sushi and we use the freshest and best quality products on the market.


If you are a sushi connoisseur, you may be a regular visitor at our place, but now in The Sushi Bar we have a new menu of original author sushi sets that you cannot try anywhere else. You will be surprised by the choice of products and their unusual combination - tuna and asparagus, wrapped in nori with crunchy panko crust or soft-shell-crab-sushi. Our wine list is now also updated with non-alcoholic and organic wine as well as new offers from Italy.


At The Sushi Bar we prepare cold green tea with fresh mint and lime.




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